Wayan Jagra

Jagras joy for carving is only matched by his love for reggae music.  Jagra can commonly be found carving away in comfort with the rhythms of Alpha Blondy and Bob Marley playing in the backround.  Although he looks young, his eyes speak experience.  Jagra is 40 years old, married and is the father to three beautiful girls.  He has been working with Coco Loco for 5 years and is the architect behind intricate designs such as the Floral Swans and Bridal Curls.  Always in a good mood, Jagra is a joyous person to work with and be around.  He is a humble guide to many young novice carvers, even though he probably doesn't realize it.  Thank you Jagra for all the laughter and fun you bring with you everywhere you go.

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